I don't remember being that stoopid
Well classes have started and I think that I am really going to enjoy mine.
My schedule is pretty sweet. I only have one class on Monday and Wednesday and only two on Tuesday and Thursday and one online course. This set-up leaves me plenty of time to work on campus and get my course work done as well.
The first of the semester is always the busiest time for my job. All of the faculty want their syllabi copied, or equipment reserved, or some other completely assinine thing. I do not mind because it is the one time of the year that I actually feel useful. My days don't drag on forever, because i am busy.
One thing that does bother me is that recently the people who do all of the planning and scheduling for classrooms here schedule classes from other departments in our building. It normally is not that bad but it ccan be annoying. In the past mostly we have had a couple of classes from the College of Business and maybe one history or psych class. This year it is a completely different story.
They have schedule lots of other classes here. IN fact there are more classes from other departments than our classes. Some of our faculty are having back to back classes on completely different end of the campus. I feel bad for them (sorta, kinda, well not really) especially since they just rearrange all of the parking on them. The worst part of these classes this year is that a large majority of them are FRESHMAN English comp courses. I can't believe some of these guys that come through...it is almost comical.
I had one guy come through and could not find his class. Well me being the helpful office assistant that I am I offered to look it up and find the location for him. I did that and showed him where the class was and left. About 5 minutes later I had to go down the hall for something in my other office and I see that he is still standing outside of that class. OK?? Well when I ask him if there was anything I could help him with he proceeded to tell me that he did not want to interupt the class since it looked like they had already started. Ok when the guy first came in the office he was already about 5 minutes late for the class and now he is pushing 10-15 late. OK what did he expect?? Did he want me to barge in the class for him or to tell him that he could go home or was he waiting on the Prof to notice he was not in class and check outside for him?? One word....IDIOT! My response was kinda harsh but you all know how i feel about stupid people. I told him his option was to either decided that going to class was not that important since he missed the first 5 minutes or to go on in. Basically I told him to quit being a tard and just walk in.
You know seriously I do not remember being that stupid when I was a freshman. Each year they look younger and they act more stupid.