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Everyone knows that I am a little crazy! Well ok maybe more than just a little so here are my thoughts on life and the world as we perceive it.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Life is...well life

I have noticed that no matter how bad things get in life there are rare moments that make it all worth it. I have decided that no matter what you do, where you go, or who you are with...Life will find you. I have also resigned myself to the fact that life is great and for every ounce of great there is at least and ounce of crap.

Why should I sit here and pine over all of the things in my life and the bad stuff that "just happens to me"? Life is life and there is no escaping that.

I had a great weekend! I spent a lot of time with my friends this week. I have barely been home since about Wednesday and then most of the time it is to sleep. We went out for dinner and to hang out afterwards on Saturday night. I had so much fun. Cathia and Stacy, two friends I met through an ex of mine, are the greatest. I feel sorry for the people around us and that go out with us. They cannot get a word in edge-wise. You add Kris to that and no one else has a chance. We are all in Crisis PR class together working in the same group and I feel really sorry for our other group memeber she ends up sitting there listening to us and just nodding her agreement. LOL

On a positive note my best friend is one step closer today to winning the battle that he has been fighting for years. It makes me soooooooo happy!! Speaking of which I need to get out there to Ala to see him and his wife. Of course they said long ago that they were coming to Pcola...yet to see that. ;-) Just kiddin you guys! I know that life is as hectic for you as it is for me.

Well I had better quit wasting time here at work. Of course there is nothing for me to do so not really wasting much of anything.

Until next time remember that life is life and and there really is only one way to change it and that doesn't seem like very much fun. So quit complaining and start living it!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

A new type of homesick

I am awake at this hour even though I have to be at work at 9 a.m. this morning because I have just reached a new level of homesick. It is not your typical homesick feeling...it is more of a fact that the city has officially freaked me out and I want to go home where I know it is safe.

I was over at my friend Kris' apartment working on some homework for my summer class and just generally hanging out and having a good time (by the time this situation happened we had long since stopped doing any actual work) when something extremely strange happened.

We were on the back patio and heard a sound that I immediately pegged as a gunshot. Less than a minute later I saw a person run through the courtyard in the middle of the night like his life depended on it. I decided it was time to go inside and then for me to head home.

Well I assumed that it was probably a party that caused the scene because it is Saturday night.


As I go to leave I see a couple of Pensacola Police Officers shining lights in parked vehicles. Well I getin mine and no says anything so i start to leave. BEfore I can get 20 feet in the parking lot there is a roadblock of sorts with police checking people. The officer checks my ID, shines the light in my truck under it, in the back and right on me. At this point I am starting to think that maybe my gut was right and something was very wrong with the scene i witnessed. The officer doesn't tell me anything so I keep my mouth shut and finally she lets me go. Phew!! I want to go home really bad at this point.

It gets better...after another 50 feet before I can get out of the complex and onto the main road another officer is checking ID's and vehicles again. At this point I am starting to freak out...I give the officer my info and he asks for my cell number and my SSN#. I am starting to think that maybe just maybe I was right about the sound that I thought I heard. SO you know me I do what I do best and ask the officer a question. I ask if everything is OK or what's wrong. He tells me that there has been a SHOOTING!! I was right!!! OK I seriously scared and want to go home...but I can't help but tell the officer that I heard a noise that sounded like a shot and saw an individual run off.

OMG I want to come home...I was less than 100 ft from a shooting! This doesn't happen at home. I can't sleep because it is less than 2 miles from my home where his apartment is. I keep hearing the gunshot. I keep seeing that man run off. I keep thinking that what IF he had seen me and Kris...would he have shot us too??

This takes wanting to come home and being homesick to a new level. At least at home I know that I want be within 40 acres of a gunshot unless me or one of my family members are pulling the trigger. And then we all get along well enough that we wouldn't be pointing it at one another.

And I thought that I could handle living in Detroit or New York...HAHAHAHAHA Maybe I should rethink that after tonight.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Dennis the nuisance

Ok so just in case there is anyone out there that I have not had a chance to get in touch with...I am fine.

Dennis was more of a nuisance than a natural disaster, at least in my neck of the woods. I am very grateful that I had no damage from the storm and got power back sometime mid-Wednesday.

Ugh we seemed to have also dodged a bullet with Emily. Man am I tired of having to watch the Weather Channel and wondering when the next time I am going to have to drive for my life is going to be.

Hopefully we have had our fair share for the year (the next couple years as well).


Saturday, July 09, 2005

Deja vu sucks!!!

Well Dennis is on the way. I decided to come home...defintely wasn't gonna stay in Pcola. Dad has to work during it and i don't want mom to be here by herself plus I trust this house and we have a generator.

You know my title is not entirely true. It is not exactly deja vu...ITS WORSE. Taking everything at face value, this storm is coming in stronger than Ivan. I don't know what is going to happen, I don't know how much damage I will have in Pcola or even if I will. But I do know that I cannot imagine that it is going to be pretty.

I will admit that I am more than just a little freaked out by this storm. I will probably not post again until after the storm but I will after the storm to let you guys know everything is ok. (Given that we have power.)


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Like a magnet

So I have decided that one of my professors who is also a good friend of mine is the cause of all of the hurricane activity. We think he is some kind of natural disaster magnet.

We realized today in our discussion of Tropical Storm Dennis that he arrived here in Pensacola and shortly thereafter Ivan hits us. Now his second year teaching here and we are already seeing increased hurricane activity.

Take a look at this does it look farmiliar?

Dennis looks like Ivan did last year. And if you look real close at the dotted line you will notice that it is situated directly in line with the Escambia Bay. Now I am not trying to cry wolf and worry to far in advance but given my past experience, I am not gonna ignore it either. Now as those doctors on TV say "It's just a waiting game at this point."

Seriously earthquakes are looking better and better!


Ok so i was sitting here trying to think of something to write and alas ;-) I can not think of anything. I know it is shocking that I am out of words, but hey it does happen sometimes.

Well ok I guess considering that I am actually posting something then I am not trulyspeechless but you get the point. Some of my friends tell me that I narrate a lot (Their way of saying that I babble on about whatever is in my head in give way more detail than needed.)

Ugh I like the rain but this getting ridiculous. Ok not to mention that I see a Troical Storm floating down there that looks as though it has our name written all over it. I swear if Pensacola get hit by another hurricane then I am going to vacate the Gulf Coast and never come back. I am starting to like that whole earth quake thing more and more.

I hope these storms don't persist for the rest of the week. I was really looking forward to going out with some friends either Thursday or Friday. There are some folks that I really wanna meet. No you don't get details and don't even ask cause I am not going to tell you. I have realized that when I talk about something it always fouls up. It is like that telling your birthday wish thing. You know how telling someone will make it not come true. But you know come to think of it not telling never worked for me either, otherwise I would be married to a supermodel driving my corvette, and gassing up my yatch for a weekend trip to my summer house in the Bahamas. I still am not going to tell you though because I think all of my wishes are coming to me eventually. Just my wish fairy is really backed up and is running a little late. I am not going to jinx it now.

Ok I warned you guys that sometimes it would be a little out there. Not to mention the title of the blog tells you that it will be completely random from this delusional mind. ;-)

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Life is a journey...Just watch out for those potholes

LIfe is interesting...you think things are going great and that you have sorted somethings out in your life and then WHAM!!!!!! you hit that 5 foot 10 pothole! You could have swerved and missed it but what's the fun in having a truck if you cant see if it can withstand the potholes.

You think no big deal, you've been through a few potholes before...Right?? Yes, but eventually if you hit enough potholes then your truck will be all messed up. Who knows you might even end up getting off at the wrong exit.

Life can be one of the most exciting things and in the same instance also be the most depressing.

Its like when you are car shopping...What is the point of having the most comfortable interior, the best sound system, or the all around coolest gadgets. IF no one gets in the vehicle (probably because the outside of the vehicle looks like an Echo on steriods) then they will never even know about all the wonderful offerings the interior has.

Ugh! Why couldn't I have been given a Corvette to drive.